Add Payment Information

RecTimes allows you to safely and securely store your credit card information for a streamlined payment process. By storing your credit card information securely, you gain greater control over your payment methods. You can easily manage and update your card details whenever necessary.

Please Note: We take privacy and data protection seriously. Your credit card information is stored in Stripe and is only accessible to authorized personnel for payment processing purposes. Stripe is PCI compliant, which is the industry standard in storing and transmitting sensitive payment information.

To add or edit your credit card or profile information, first log in to your customer account.

Once logged in, navigate to the left hand slide out menu > Settings > Payment Methods.

Select Add New Payment Method > Enter in card details and ensure information is correct > Add Method.

Once saved, you can view your stored payment methods. If you need to edit or update any details, simply add a new payment method with the changes, save and then delete the old payment method using the red trash bin.